There are 4 formats:
Publisher's Article — a webmaster writes a review article about your products or services.
Advertiser's Article — you write an article yourself and a webmaster publishes it.
In The News — we post a link to the latest news.
In The Archive — we post a link to recently published content.
Format Description:
links are placed manually by a webmaster after the task request is formed. There are 4 formats: Publisher's Article, In The News, Advertiser's Article, In The Archive;
in the "Publisher's Article" format, the webmaster places a unique article about your products or services. The material corresponds to the subject of the donor site, the volume is at least 2000 characters;
in the "In The News" format, you can invite the webmaster to post your material;
in the "Link to News" format, the backlink is placed in any (most relevant) webmaster news;
in the "In The Archive" format, you can ask the webmaster to place the link on an existing page of the site.

Cost and terms of payment:
Links with a one-time payment. Pay once and get the link forever.
all links are checked for indexing within 75 days after posting. If the link is not indexed, the money is returned to the balance;
you can choose to post your own article, or order text from a webmaster or copywriters.
You get 1-3 permanent links to your site from a topical page or a site;
excellent format for a search robot, because the link will be placed on a new page and it will be indexed immediately
the text of the material is checked for uniqueness;
place your links on media platforms with live traffic, they are also present in the database;
the system collects statistics on the quality, speed of placement, and indexing of links;
sites are checked for connection to news aggregators, which increases their weight in the eyes of the search engine
write suggestions based on your goals: ask the webmaster to add an image/video to the article; specify a place for the link; advise how to make an eye-catching material for the readers;
according to the statistics of the service, experienced optimizers allocate 20-40 % of the budget for the purchase of permanent links.