The Global Blacklist is a list of domains that will not be offered in search results.
The list consists of two sections:
For links

Mark sites by the URL`s switches to the box to select sites that are in the GBL for further action with them.
Add to is a button to add those site addresses that you entered in the box above to the GBL.
To find is a button to search in GBL, to the left of it there is a line to enter site address for searching it in GBL, date interval for adding domain in GBL.
GBL table of contents allows you to sort sites alphabetically.
Mark all is a button to select all domains shown.
Delete and Delete everything are the buttons to delete domains from GBL. The "Delete" button removes the selected domain from the GBL, the "Delete All" button clears the GBL completely.
Export data is a button to export all domains added to GBL, the export file contains the domain and the date it was added to GBL.
For articles

Add is a button to add to GBL those website addresses you entered in the window above.
Remove selected is a button to remove selected domains from GBL.